Conrad Johnson HD 3 USB DAC

Regelmatig ontvangen wij van Lew Johnson, de zwaardere helft van Conrad-Johnson, een nieuwsbrief over wat actueel is. Nieuwe producten, nieuwe testberichten, nieuw behaalde Awards, wel alles waarvan hij graag wil dat de buitenwereld op de hoogte is. Mijn klanten weten dat ik een fervent Conrad-Johnson Apostel ben, al was het alleen al omdat ik na het gedane werk met maximaal plezier ook thuis gebruik maak van de apparaten van deze puristen. Graag wil ik met U het nieuws delen van deze door mij hooglijk gewaardeerde fabrikant. Een fabrikant, gedreven door de passie voor muziek en techniek en vast en zeker ook voor de “pecunia”, maar niet alleen voor dat. Conrad & Johnson, het zou een mooie naam zijn voor een investeringsbedrijf, maar geloof me “It’s all about the music” met apparaten waarvan ze zelf zeggen dat “It just sounds right”.
HD3 Production
After some delays, production has begun on the HD3 USB digital/analog decoder, with regular deliveries beginning now. There is a two-week back order at this time.
The HD3 has been designed to simplify connection of a music server system to the home audio system yet offer audiophile quality performance. Users can exploit the compact storage and convenient access of a music server and still enjoy musically accurate playback even better than what they have grown accustomed to with high-end CD players. Because the HD3 decodes files with a data density of up to 24bit/96kHz, performance superior to CD playback is readily attainable with downloaded high-resolution files. The HD3 exploits asynchronous data transfer protocol to virtually eliminate jitter, and many CD “ripping” programs use multiple passes to minimize read errors, so you may find many of your CDs sounding better than ever.
Despite the advanced technology, the HD3 is remarkably simple to use. No struggling with installing special drivers as there are none to install. Connect with a standard USB cable to any available USB port on your computer with a recent Windows, MAC, or Linux operating system, select the HD3 and you should be ready to play music in a matter of moments. Just select your favorite tunes from standard or hi-res music files stored on your computer, or pop a CD into your computer’s optical drive, sit back and enjoy.
Rated in Stereophile!
The recently mailed October issue of Stereophile is the fall edition of Recommended Components. We were gratified to find the ET3SE in the listings of recommended preamplifiers with a Class A rating. (One can’t help but wonder how they would deal with the ET5 and GAT had those been reviewed. It would seem that some kind of revamping of the system would be needed. Class A+ and A++?).
The A rating is based on Sam Tellig’s rave review contained in the same issue. Tellig remarks on the musicality of the ET3SE, noting that it “offers me a sense of ease that makes my entire system more listenable.” Tellig concludes the review by noting that “the Conrad-Johnson ET3SE just sounds right”. A fitting tribute, we think. You can find the complete review on our web site at:
While on the subject of Recommended Components, be sure to note that the ET250S, a favorite of John Atkinson, also earned a Class A rating. Looking ahead, watch for a review of the LP125M amplifiers by Robert Deutsch in Stereophile, and Jonathan Valin’s review of the GAT line-stage and ART amplifiers in a coming issue of The Absolute Sound.